February 1 - 5, 2021


Join peers who are working on developing a new sustainability for historical building!

In all Europe historical buildings have a lot in common.

Beautiful spaces, magnificent decorations, precious elements. Sometimes, in the recent years, their purpose has evolved from place to live for aristocrats, to public spaces dedicated to sharing culture and arts for everyone.

Mantaining the beauty, respecting materials, colors, shapes, and at the same time provide comfort to those who works or visit this spaces, is not an easy job.

That’s the reason why Palazzo Ducale, together with the Schools of Engineering, Architecture and Landscape Hepia, (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland) Geneva and DAD Architecture and Design Department, Genova are meeting for the second year, looking for projects leading to a new Efficiency for Palazzo Ducale

Do you think you have the best idea, or the amazing competencies to meet this incredible goals?

Click here, and join us, you will receive all the informations to join the program!


Online international workshop

Let’s walk the talk: may the architectural legacy that every european city center has to manage be comfortable and sustainable?

Projet Printemps is an online international workshop for student in Architecture, Engineering, Design, Art, Museum and Cultural Management.

5 days, 5 teams working on proposals of sustainable renovation for the Palazzo Ducale building. Deadline January 27.

Subscribe now. Meet students from all over Europe on our online platform, work together, and be the change!


Sustainable renovation for Historical Building

Be the change in Sustainable Technologies for Buildings.
Energy management, heating, cooling, safety: how technologies should deal with frescos, ancient materials, structures, morphologies, respecting the historical building, AND Paris Agreement too?

All the projects will be presented in an Exhibition in Palazzo Ducale Genova (June) and in the Hepia Building, in the city center of Geneva (September)*.

The Program


1 February


9 - 12 AM Project Introduction

2 - 6 PM Break out rooms - Work in group


2 - 4 February


Every day, 9 AM:
Q&A: what do you need to go further?
Meet people from Genova, feel the town.

10 AM - 6 PM:

  • Work in group

  • Lectures (approx 1h/day)

  • Tutoring

  • Question time with Palazzo Ducale Technical Staff.

  • Interactive visits of Palazzo Ducale.


5 February


2 PM Project pitching

4 PM Jury

The Faculty


Serena Bertolucci

Direttore Palazzo Ducale di Genova e del Polo Museale della Liguria


Ricardo Lima

HEPIA Geneva

Stefano F. Musso

Director of the Specialization school DAD Architecture Genoa


Silvia Moggia

Tourism Consultant

Giovanna Franco

Course Coordinator
DAD Architecture Genoa


José Boix

Director of the Energy and Building Technology Faculty, HEPIA Geneva

Nikos Zarkadis

HEPIA Geneva

Christine Bideau Wuest

HEPIA Geneva


Join us!