February 7 - 11, 2022

Call for students:
Join peers to give


In all Europe historical buildings have a lot in common.

Beautiful spaces, magnificent decorations, precious elements. Sometimes, in the recent years, their purpose has evolved from place to live for aristocrats, to public spaces dedicated to sharing culture and arts for everyone.

Mantaining the beauty, respecting materials, colors, shapes, and at the same time provide comfort to those who works or visit this spaces, is not an easy job.

Do you think you have the best idea, or the amazing competencies to meet this incredible goals?

Join us on the
Lake of Como Online Workshop!

5 days, 5 teams,
a whole new life for 3 Historical buildings


Let’s walk the talk: may the architectural legacy that every european city center has to manage be comfortable and sustainable?

Projet Printemps is an online international workshop for student in Architecture, Engineering, Design, Art, Museum and Cultural Management.

5 days, 5 teams working on proposals of sustainable renovation for three magnificent historical buildings in the town of Tremezzina, on the Lake of Como.

Deadline 2022, January 31.

Subscribe now. Meet students from all over Europe on our online platform, work together, and be the change!

The Competition
Projects 2022

  • Museum of the Lost Lake Landscape

    The Museum of the Landscape of Lake Como is located in the Villa Mainona in Tremezzo.
    The architectural complex includes the park, the villa, some annex buildings and a tower.
    Villa Mainona needs you to become sustainable!

  • Hospitalis

    The Romanesque church of Santa Maria Maddalena was part of the complex of the ancient “Hospitalis di Stabio”, dedicated to the reception of pilgrims and placed along the route of the ancient Via Regina.
    Help the Hospitalis to reshape its turistic role!

  • Ancient School

    The Tremezzo School Building has been abandoned in 2018, and it has been there since then waiting for the kiss of a prince!
    This deserted building has the potential to become an amazing one-of-a-kind place both for turists and citizens.
    It’s up to your ideas!

Be the change in Sustainable Technologies for Buildings.
Energy management, heating, cooling, safety: how technologies should deal with frescos, ancient materials, structures, morphologies, respecting the historical building, AND Paris Agreement too?

All the projects will be presented in an Exhibition in Tremezzina Museum of the Landscape (June) and in the Hepia Building, in the city center of Geneva (September)*.


Show your expertise in Sustainability
for Historical buildings


  • Monday 7/2.

    Institutional greetings:
    Mr. Josè Boix: Bulding Technology Faculty Director
    Hepia - Ge
    Mr. Nikos Zarkadis - Hepia.Ge
    The project
    Mr. Mauro Guerra - Mayor of the Municipality of Tremezzina

    Introduction to the workshop

    Mr. Luca Monica - Politecnico of Milano
    ”The Buildings concerned by the workshop: their actual condition, the future”
    Mrs Emanuela Donetti - Hepia - Ge
    Planning and territorial framework

  • Tuesday 8/2

    9AM - 6PM
    Work in groups

    Consultation with teachers by appointment

  • Wednesday 9/2

    9AM - 6PM
    Work in groups

    Consultation with teachers by appointment

  • Thursday 10/2

    9AM - 6PM
    Work in groups

    Pitch test with the teachers

  • Friday 11/2

    9AM - 1PM
    Work in groups

    Final pitch of the project

  • What will you gain

    The workshop is aimed to give to the Municipality of Tremezzina three projects of Energy and Building renovation projects based on the three buildings in the Tremezzina Village.

    All the projects will be presented in an Exhibition in Tremezzina Museum of the Landscape (June) and in the Hepia Building, in the city center of Geneva (September)*.

The faculty

  • Nikos Zarkadis

    Energy efficiency of buildings
    Data mining
    Haute Ecole Ingénierie, Architecture et Paysage

  • Ricardo Lima

    Buildings and Energy
    Haute Ecole Ingénierie, Architecture et Paysage

  • Christine Bideau Wuest

    Haute Ecole Ingénierie, Architecture et Paysage

  • Luca Monica

    Progettazione architettonica e Urbana
    Politecnico di Milano

  • Marianna Marcucci

    Heritage European Project

  • Mauro Guerra

    Municipality of Tremezzina
    Lake of Como